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"How To Improve And Learn Everything About The Basics Of Chess And Learn The Right Way, Even if You Are Not Sure How To Get Better at Chess.

Explained in an Easy-to-Understand Step by Step Detail...
( And Everything You Need to Know All in One Place! )

Dear ChessDelights Friend,

Thanks for signing up for my Email Tips Series on the 3 Recommended Steps To Learn Everything About Basics of Chess.

You should receive your first email in your inbox within the next 30 minutes, together with your Chess Fundamentals Cheat Sheets. :-)

In the meantime, if you're someone who wants to know the main fundamentals of chess endgames...

And you want to know how to finish games...

This could be the most important letter you've ever read.

Here's why:

So, based on where you are right now when it comes to learning about the basics of chess and learning the right way, what you want to do is find a solution that specifically addresses your unique situation...

Ideally, a guide or resource that walks you through all the steps you need to take to learn everything about the basics of chess.

What to move when you're stuck...

How to advance your knowledge...

How to learn chess strategies...

How to make plans...

Want to start playing again after years of not playing chess...

How to strategize and play...

Want to learn how to play well...

Want to find time and study chess...

How to improve your game even when you're lazy... :)

Which is why I'm revealing a book covering everything that you need to learn and improve your endgames and become good at making checkmate moves.

And based on everything you've told me, and the situation you're in right now, I think this resource is something that might be helpful...
Let me explain...

Hi my name is Gary Flores...

And I've been learning, playing chess for as long as I can remember... :)

In a moment, I'm about to share with you information that took me years to discover... and show you how to learn EVERYTHING you need to know about chess all in one place!

You can check everything out for FREE if you choose!

Here's the story:

You probably haven't guessed it, but I'm a huge chess enthusiast who enjoys playing and learning the game. 😎

I used to play chess competitively and won a few tournaments when I was young...🏆 and still I wanted to learn everything about chess, like special moves and tactics, how to attack, how to avoid making blunders, and how to set up plan to finish the game.

I was trying very hard to understand the game; I was actively seeking mentors, but no one was available, and I honestly had no idea where to start. 🤔

I tried to study books, but there were too many openings to learn; also, traditional books take a long time, and reading bores me.🥱 I even read a book that had incorrect moves and notations when I tried to replicate them on my chessboard.🤬

I thought that having my chess board with me and the book would help me learn the best moves faster, don't get me wrong, books are helpful, but when it comes to chess books, it's challenging to master. Chess books can help us improve our games; but it will take a lot of time and its difficult to speed up the learning process if we use traditional chess books.

Most of us do this type of learning process to improve our chess game, and we try read lots of chess books - I believe that is what most professional chess players do besides having a mentor.

Having a chess book and a chess board by your side is an effective way to teach and learn chess much faster.
And as a chess enthusiast and a dad with children who also wants to learn this wonderful game, I wanted to have a way to read a book that has clear diagrams with no or few errors as much as possible and see the actual moves mentioned in the book ideally with a chessboard.

So, I went online and did my research but did not find any book with those features, but I did find an excellent book written by a World Chess Champion that teaches chess rather unconventionally. It teaches you the fundamentals but immediately focuses on the most important aspects of getting better at chess!

The only problem was that it is ancient... 📜 the book was written using an older chess notation system, and the diagrams are unclear. 🧐

But I was able read the entire book in just 3 days, and it was amazing. This is precisely what I needed. 🤩

The first step is always to have a companion chess book that I could reference and go back to whenever I needed it, and this particular book is available online.

The only issue I had was that I like to watch how the moves, like attacks, and traps are played - grabbing my chessboard and setting it all up can be time-consuming and can be unpleasant at times, especially if the book contains errors. 😡

I want to focus on learning and sitting down to figure out how to make the best moves.

Having an online book works great, but not so well with an actual chessboard, where I occasionally make mistakes with the setup and also have children who are always rushing around and tripping over my board... 😭

The Digital Interactive Chess Book

That's when I decided to transform this amazing book into a digital interactive chess book where I can read the theories and techniques and then have an interactive chessboard inside of the digital book where I could click the chess board controls to view the moves precisely as described in the book without having to set up all the pieces, etc. 👍

This is what I needed, it speeds up the learning process, and I get to open it up online… ☝️

Because of this approach of learning chess, I can effectively see and remember a trap or an attack, which I wish I had when I first started.

This interactive chess book definitely helped me better, especially in predicting one or two moves ahead. I also improved my ability to see the entire board, find hidden traps, and learn opening traps.

I can also say that this way of learning chess makes it easy for me to remember the main lines. 👊

I am delighted that I was able to finish this ChessDelights Edition of the "Chess Fundamentals" digital interactive chess book first edition together with its pdf version, and it's available to almost anyone because we offer a complete, no-risk opportunity to check out this fantastic digital interactive chess book FREE if you choose... 🚀

Here's What You're About To Learn:

Just Getting Started...

Beginner First Principles. The MOST useful and important first principles you need to know if you're just getting started.

Setting Up Simple Mates.

Fundamentals of Pawn Promotions. Learn where to position your King and pawn to get promoted ( master examples 5 & 6... )

Guide to Pawn Endings. How to properly win with two pawns against one, or three against two.

The Principle of Opposition. By learning this principle alone you can play chess competitively.

Learn Different Chess Openings...

Know The Main Strategy of All Openings - And why you need to follow this rule...

Discover The Only Moves You Need To Remember.

Learn  Strategies of Different Openings. What are the strength and weaknesses of openings by studying 14 different games played by masters.

Understand and know the idea of why you need to play certain openings.

Insights on what openings work better against another opening.

Endgames Strategies...

A Classical Ending - Know how to finish games in endgames.

Finding traps and checkmates. How to setup checkmates and traps for your opponent.

Learn Difficult Endings. Studying the endings of the masters.

Chess tricks in endings using Rook, Bishop, and Pawns vs. Rook, Knight, and Pawns.

Practice seeing the whole board and identify different threats your opponent can make.

How To Improve Attacking Skills...

The Right and Wrong Way to Attack Using Knights - And how to attack without the aid of knights?

Discover Why Position is Important in Winning. Avoid blunders and recognize tactics that would improve your position.

See moves your opponent makes after whatever move you make.

Improve your defense against strong and aggressive players and learn to find attacks.

Learn popular gambits and find the best moves to attack.

And this just scratches the surface...

As you can see, Chessdelights First Edition of the "Chess Fundamentals" digital book is the only interactive chess book you'll ever need. And if you're like most readers, you'll be well on your way to efficiently gaining chess knowledge and doing so much more quickly!

But don't just take my word for it....

Here's what actual readers are saying about this interactive chess book...

"This is absolute the best interactive-app to use and learn"

Thank you so much. This is absolute the best interactive-app to use and learn. I am a MiniChess teacher , teaching thinking skills to young learners in South Africa. So easy to use your app on the spot.

Ms. Engela,
South Africa

"This helps to student to learn and retain information better"

I found this more informative thus far than some of the modern books or websites on fundamentals I learned some new things that some of the websites go into depth on such as the pawns.furthermore the interactive aspect was equally good teaching the student the proper way to handle problems. This helps to student to learn and retain information better.

Mr. Greg,
United States

Am very happy with this book!

Mr. Steven,
United Kingdom

Very easy for beginners!

Mr. Emilio,

"I love this book and I'll use this as a tool to advance my knowledge of the game. Awesome book!"

The interactive book version is very easy to understand. The first chapter goes in-depth and explains the basic principles of the very essential end game strategies. I love this book and I'll use this as a tool to advance my knowledge of the game. Awesome book!

Mr. Samuel,

"I really like how one can leisurely click on the moves"

I really like how one can leisurely click on the moves and study the result, and then go back, and re-practice to make sure I got it.

Mr. Mike,
United States

"Like the many ideas it would offer"

Mr. Alan,
United States

"The interaction helps learning"

Mr. Richard,
United Kingdom

"I hope this is the first of many such chess ebooks done in this fashion"

This e-book format sets a standard for effective chess instruction. It is not only efficient but it is a lot of fun as well. I hope this is the first of many such chess ebooks done in this fashion because it is a truly exciting way for those of us who need all the help we can get to progress in our chess training.

Mr. Bob,
United States

"Your explanations are so precise and exact that I am truly able to understand them"

I am a beginner, knowing the elementary material, trying to get control of center, castling and then getting stuck. Your explanations are so precise and exact that I am truly able to understand them. Played some chess with grandkids at age 55, stopped and have now resumed at age 87, due to Covid. Cannot wait until I can read further. Thanks for your effort

Ms. Doris,
United States

"I've learnt alot that I didn't know"

This is literary one of the best chess books I've come across, I've learnt alot that I didn't know , much appreciation from me

Mr. Ian,

Want to check out this book for yourself?  You can... without risking a penny.

Here's what to do now: 

Just scroll down to the bottom of this page and choose the option you'd like to order by clicking on the appropriate "Order Now!" button. Or if you click the "BUY NOW FOR 20% OFF" button you'll be redirected to a secure order page where you'll be asked to provide your billing information.  You can either use your credit card, or pay with Paypal. 

Now, before I even mention a price...let me make it perfectly clear how EASY this decision really is.

  I will shoulder all the risk here.

That's right.  When you order now, You don't risk a single penny.  Why?  Because you are covered by a super-generous...

30 Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Here's how it works:  Order the downloadable digital interactive chess book.  Read it, use it, treat it as your own.  If you are not completely thrilled with what you've learned, after 30 days (plenty of time to test everything out on your own)... then I INSIST you send me a message for a fast refund of your purchase price.  

No questions asked.  NO hassles either.

Get Your Digital Interactive Chess Book Today to Take Advantage of This Limited-Time Offer!

For the next 24 hours, get instant access to this fully illustrated digital interactive chess book, plus ALL Bonuses for 20% OFF! Normally $34.00. Now Only $27.00!

Secure 128-bit encryption. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

How can I do this?

Yes, it's a financial gamble for me...  But that's how confident I am that you're gonna be thrilled with this digital interactive chess book. I poured my heart and soul into it - I've been publishing chess articles and done some videos for years. Feel free to look me up.

If you're not happy, I'm not happy. 

I love chess as much as you do! 🤗

So when you order today... you essentially get to see and try out everything for free if you choose.  You do NOT even have to give me a reason if you decide to refund.  I will trust you to do the right thing, as I have trusted people throughout my career. 🤝

There IS just one little "catch", however.... 

You must order right away... and here's why:

You only have 24 hours to get this at this lowest price which includes all future updates that we're going to release. ⏰

You see, I really like this interactive chess book so much that I wanted to make it better in every way.

I want to make the learning process more efficient by building an app that is easy to access, and I'm testing another technique of learning chess that will combine this interactive book - that is, I'll continue to update this interactive chess book using the most effective method of learning chess.

This means I must consider my resources, such as the cost and time required to create them. 👨🏻‍💻

So, I'm only going to offer the ChessDelights Edition of the "Chess Fundamentals" digital interactive chess book  at this price for a limited time.

This offer will not remain at this price if you wait a few months to buy.

And I almost forgot: if you order right now, you'll be among the first to get an early bird offer (a very low price) of the Audiobook version which is coming soon & be available to the public at a higher price early next year, so this is what you'll get today!

Two Fabulous FREE Bonuses +
AudioBook Version Early Bird Offer
Addon (Coming Soon)


I chose to make a flip book version of the book since I enjoy reading pdf like a real book online plus other features -so you don't have to read the book using only the conventional pdf where you just scroll down through the entire text. Additionally, it is readily accessible online, where you can browse using a computer or a mobile device. For this flip book version, you will receive lifetime updates that cover any upcoming additions of new features.

Having a flip book version of the book is a fantastic method of learning! 

(Valued at $17.95)

FREE BONUS #2 CHESS TRAPS APP (Progressive Web App)

One of my favorite things to learn about chess is how to set up traps that lead to checkmates. I wanted an app with a list of chess traps that I could easily look through on my phone.

There are traps for different ways to start a game of chess, and I want to give you this one for free. This is an exclusive app means its not going to be available in your regular app store, once you purchase any options below you'll get an email with a link and instructions on how to install it.

(Valued at $ 20.95)


A chess audiobook version is an ideal way to learn the game of chess on the go. Whether you're commuting, running errands, or simply relaxing, this version allows you to listen to a narrated version of one of the world's most popular book. Listening to a chess audiobook version can help you learn the rules and strategies of the game in a more interactive and engaging way than simply reading a book. 

With its convenience and educational benefits, a chess audiobook version is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of this beloved game.

(Valued at $ 32.95)

So just to sum things up: When you order now, you'll get a ton of good stuff included with your order... at an embarrassingly reasonable price...

AND if for some reason you're not completely satisfied, you've got nothing to worry about, because you don't risk a penny!  Are you ready to get started? 🥳

Here's How to Order Now:

To order your copy of the downloadable digital interactive chess book , & pdf version and receive these 2 FREE BONUSES for a 20% discount in the next 24 hours. Simply click any button that says "BUY NOW FOR 20% OFF" or choose the option you would like to order below and click on the "Order Now" button below next to that option.

You'll be redirected to our safe & secure online order page.  Once you complete & submit your order, your digital interactive chess book, pdf version and bonuses will be rush-processed the same day!


YES! I’m ready to learn everything I need to know to improve my chess game all in one place!

I want to take advantage of this limited-time bonus package, which includes;

The Chess Fundamentals Flip Book Version,
Chess Traps App (Progressive Web App), & an Early Bird Offer of The Chess Fundamentals Audiobook Version (Coming Soon)
all together valued at over $90.00!

I understand if I wait... even until tomorrow, I could come back to this site and find the bonuses are no longer available.  

I understand that by ordering TODAY, I'm guaranteed to receive ALL of the following:

The Digital Interactive Chess Book: Chessdelights Edition of the "Chess Fundamentals" & PDF version

BONUS  #1: Flip Book Version
BONUS  #2: Chess Traps App (Progressive Web App)
EARLY BIRD OFFER ADDON  #3: Audiobook Version (Coming Soon)



Choose Pricing Options


Downloadable Digital Interactive Chess Book & PDF version only. You'll receive the interactive and pdf versions - in less than 5 minutes, in a downloadable format. And since nothing is shipped in the mail, you pay no Shipping & Handling charges!

Includes Future Updates.  Lifetime access and updates to your digital interactive chess book and pdf version.

*Digital Interactive Chess Book & PDF version for Only $23.00  $16.00

Downloadable Digital Interactive Chess Book & PDF version + Bonus # 1.  Sent instantly via the email you provided during checkout. You'll receive the downloadable digital books & bonus # 1 - And since nothing is shipped in the mail, you pay no Shipping & Handling charges!

Includes Future Updates.  Lifetime access and updates to your digital interactive chess book and pdf version and flip book version.

*Digital Interactive Chess Book & PDF version + Bonus #1  for Only $28.00  $21.00

Downloadable Digital Interactive Chess Book & PDF version + ALL Bonuses. Will be sent instantly via the email you provided during checkout. You'll receive the downloadable digital books plus all bonuses- in less than 5 minutes, in a downloadable format using the email you used in checking out. And since nothing is shipped in the mail, you pay no Shipping & Handling charges!

Includes Future Updates & Future Products. Lifetime access and updates to your digital interactive chess book and pdf version and all bonuses, also you'll get early access to our future products just like our "Early Bird Offer" without paying at a higher price or get those for free forever as long as you're still a member! 😁

*Digital Interactive Chess Book & PDF version + ALL Bonuses  for Only $34.00  $27.00

Whichever option you've decided to order, you're in for a real treat... You'll be on your way to learning chess game in a more smarter and efficient way -- and they are all in one place! 😉 

Sincerely yours,

Gary D Flores

P.S. The current price will not be the same after we introduce future updates and integrate into a new platform. So don't pass up this opportunity to get these digital interactive chess book at this low price and receive future updates as another bonus instead of paying separately on a higher price...

P.P.S. And Remember -- when you order right now, you DO NOT RISK A SINGLE PENNY because you're completely protected by a 30 days 100% Money Back Guarantee.  If you decide to get a refund with your 30 days "check it out" period, you will have seen ALL the information for FREE, and you get to keep it as well.  No hard feelings. That's how confident I am that you're gonna love our ChessDelights Edition of the "Chess Fundamentals" digital interactive chess book.

If you are still undecided about whether to purchase, please click here.

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